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  Bass Buried In Cover?
Call ‘Em Out With A Clackin’ Crank

Sometimes, its best not to sneak up on bass. Sometimes a bait works best when it shouts, “Hey, over here!”

Just ask B.A.S.S. Elite Series pro, Bernie Schultz, who ties on a Rapala Clankin’ Crank to coerce bass from heavy cover.

“There are times when sound can make all the difference in the world,” he says. “If I’m cranking around grass or submerged brush, you can bet I’ll be throwing a crankbait that makes some noise!”

Sonic vibrations help fish zero in on a bait’s location, especially when fish are buried in thick cover. A Clankin’ Crank excels in such situations, owing to a unique internal sound chamber in which a stout single bearing knocks against two metal discs. The resulting clacking sound is sensed by fish as vibrations impossible to ignore.

“It’s like calling them out,” Schultz says.

Like all Rapala crankbaits, Clankin’ Cranks are hand-tuned and tank-tested. Featuring a calibrated diving lip, each model runs at a pre-determined depth. For Schultz, that’s key.

“I know precisely what depth a particular model will run before I ever tie it on - which is critical when I’m ticking the tops of submerged grass or bumping stumps,” he says. “Contact with cover is important, and each model Clankin’ Crank runs to a very specific depth, so I know which one to choose for any given situation.”

Clankin’ Cranks feature Rapala’s durable X-style finish and come in a wide array of colors, including most baitfish- and crawfish-matching patterns.

When whispers fail to coax bass from cover, try shouting ‘em out with a Clankin’ Crank. Make some noise!


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